Who We Are

Welcome to YUMIKICK - A website built to help anyone find the top of the notch Pets & Pet Care products and brands through an in-depth review, buying guides, tutorial, comparison, and exciting deals.

Our Mission

YUMIKICK mission is to Help anyone to make a wise purchase decision and give all insights about Pets & Pet Care products and brands. We come with comprehensive discussions, including the best deals to save your money.

Our Editor

We have a second-to-none editorial team that is responsible for creating and managing all content on this site. Our editorial team researches from various sources about Pets & Pet Care topics, along with their expertise and experience in writing, making it an excellent combination for providing you with useful, helpful, and trustworthy articles.

Our Connection with The Brand

We all realize how essential it is for brands to showcase their products since finding the products' uniqueness from the rest is challenging.

YUMIKICK helps the brand increase its audience and get new customers.

You can trust our honest content, including brand and product reviews, comprehensive buying guides, brand and product comparisons, easy-to-follow tutorials, and excellent deals.

YUMIKICK have published a hundred articles that we have categorized as the following:

How YUMIKICK works?

As an independently owned site, we are supported by our readers. Therefore, we may earn a commission if you buy through our site that helps us to continue creating trustworthy articles for you. Thank you for your support!

Contact us

If you want to talk more, hit us on yumikick@rank.mailer.me